Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Aftermath..

This is going to be a long entry.. Last nite masa aku tulis the last entry tu, aku bayangkan itu je la penutup hari kelahiran aku. I didn't expect anything special to happen. Alaaa.. Dah tua kan.. But Lyn (my roommate) and the rest of the housemates gathered in our room and we had pizza as to replace my birthday cake. Even I don't get the chance to blow any candles this year (sah2 tak bole nak stick candles on top of a pizza kan..) but I had a great time last nite. Thank you girls..

Since I am so head over heals with 'True Love' by Fuji Fumiya and Kimu Take (I've put the clip in my last entry) I told Ezzy if he has a guitar, it would be great since he could play that song for me. Ezzy has been aiming to get this Ibanez electric guitar since last month. But he's not sure whether it's a good idea to spend on a guitar. Few times I tried to talk him to get one. Dia cakap, "Nantila k.." :(

Back to the story, after habis makan semua, aku sambung buat kerja. Then dia call kat Skype..

Me: Baby pergi beli barang apa tadi? Lambatnya online..

Dia: Nak tengok?

Tengok dia sengih lain macam. Aku rasa aku tau apa, so aku pun sengih..

Dia: Apa sengih2?

Me: Mana ada sengih..

Dia: Tarrrraaaa..

Guitar!!!! Bestnya!! Ok.. Ada jugak kitorang berdua terfikir kenapa birthday aku dia pulak beli guitar. Tapi tak kisah.. Sebab memang aku suka sangat dengar bunyi guitar.. So he ended up playing the guitar and sang to me the whole night. Yes, he even played the song that I requested, True Love.. Hmmm.. ;)

Around 2 am, dia suruh aku tengok blog.. Pelik.. Bila aku buka, this is what I got for my birthday..

hi babe..happy birthday dear..
moga menjadi isteri solehah, anak yg taat n super mummy :-)

ji ada create new song but melodi still under construction :-)
mcm sinambungan dr the previous Sakura song..untitled but ingat nak letak Sakura II hehe..
sori tak sempat siap..tgh touch up siket so kena tunggguuuuuuuuu....

Terlena ku dibuai angin dingin,
Sayup hati menikmati,
Keindahan wajahmu,
Yang menyejuk mata,
Menghias jiwa,

Senyummu bertebaran,
Merah, putih, hijau, kuning,
Berhembus angin dibawa menari,
Mencorak negeri mentari jingga,
Mekar merimbun di bulan ketiga,

Khabarkan padaku,
Wahai angin musim bunga,
Bahawa dia yang tercantik,
Di antara segala makhluk,
Dialah Sakuraku,
Kau darahku kaulah nafasku,
Kau jantung kaulah nadiku,
Kau jiwa kaulah nyawaku,

Meski masa membatasi,
Terentang luas..
Laut, pulau dan gunung,
Kau kan kembali lagi,
Sakuraku pengikat rindu,
Menguntum subur di halaman kasih.

March 26, 2009 2:57 AM

I was speechless.. Go ahead, role your eyes.. But this is just way too good to be true for me.. I am just another ordinary girl. Sometimes I feel that I don't deserve this kindness. Yup! I am one confused girl with severe inferiority complex..

God really works in a miracle way that we human just have to wait and have faith. Today, I am so grateful to be alive as me.. And to my dearest husband, thank you so much.. I love you with all my heart and soul..


SyaNa said...

best nye..
terharu baca lirik tu..
tp takleh lebih2..sbb lagu tu utk jaja :D

Hana Ibrahim said...

jaja ni macam bercinta zaman tak kawin..bestnyaaaaa

YANI said...

isk..romantiknya ezzy. jeles2..hehe...anyway, happy belated birtday jaja....semoga jadi super duper mummy!!

zazaez said...

Hehe.. Nanti ja tanya Ezzy kita bole share tak.. ;)

Sebab duduk jauh la Hana.. That's why still bole berchenta macam ni.. Duduk dekat2 dengar dia nyanyi dalam bilik air je la.. ;)

Thanks Yani.. ;)